The inclusion of farm fresh milk in one’s daily diet is paramount for getting adequate nutrition for improved health. The buffalo and cow’s milk are the preferred choice among milk consumption preferences the world over. In most of the global availability of cow makes its milk the preferred choice, as the buffalo's are found only in Asia and some parts of Africa continents. It may be due to climatic conditions. You can find the cow milk in Dwarka to stay healthy and fit.

For optimizing the prevalence of milk consumption trends, it would be convenient to compare the properties of the two preferred choices in milk consumption, the world over. For this purpose, buffalo and cow’s milk comparisons are made here in below before looking for best milk in Delhi.

250 ml of buffalo and whole cow milk comparisons:


Buffalo Milk

Whole Cow Milk
12 grams
12 grams
9 grams
8 grams
17 grams
8 grams

In comparison, buffalo milk provides more nutrients and calories than whole cow’s milk. Buffalo milk also provides more vitamins and minerals than cow milk. But as fresh farm milk, both are considered to be effective.

Another distinction in buffalo milk is its ability to convert beta-carotene – an antioxidant into Vitamin A. One should consider these factors before considering milk delivery in Dwarka.

Buffalo milk is more abundant in fat, lactose, and calorie content and lowers in water content. It also possesses a thicker texture that enables the production of fat-based products, such as butter, ghee, cheese, and ice cream.

Suggested- What’s Better, Cow’s Milk or Dairy-Free Alternative?

Buffalo milk, contrary to common belief, and despite being high in fat content, has lower levels of cholesterol (0.65 mg/g) as compared to cow’s milk having 3.14 mg/g of cholesterol.

Online milk delivery in Delhi for cow’s milk, on the other hand, is easier on the stomach for digestion due to its low-fat properties, which is half that of buffalo milk.

Cow’s milk is also lower in protein content (4.5%), almost half of that compared to buffalo milk (11%)

Cow’s milk is high in water content (90%) and filled with the hydrating quality compared to farm fresh milk.

For every 100 ml of cow’s milk, it has 70 Kcals of calorie content than 100 Kcal of calorie content in buffalo milk, as buffalo milk comes with high protein, fat, and calorie contents.


The intake of farm fresh milk should align with the physical activities and different body requirements. For the health-conscious and those with lower levels of physical activity and improved metabolic processes, cow’s milk is considered ideal, low in fat, protein, and calories. Contrary to this, the individuals desirous of engaging or those who are already engaged in high levels of physical activities, the buffalo milk must be the ideal choice of nutritional rejuvenation.